And Maybe Some Flowers

 And Maybe Some Flowers, Fine Art
And Maybe Some Flowers

Fine Art    36 x 36 x 1.5    CA$1,300.00   

Foggy conversations I have with myself when sleep eludes me:
What time is it? 2:30am! Too early to get up.
I need a dog. Did I pay the hydro bill? I probably forgot.
Count sheep relax your feet..oh that rhymes!
A dog would bother my crows.
I need to fix the world for my grandchildren..recycling probably isn't enough.
Will there be forests? Will there be hydro bills? I wont be there to protect them..panic!
What time is it now? Time for your tears and maybe some flowers?
I need to eat much protein is in a fruit fly?
How much was the hydro bill? Just get up and pay it.
Materials and Process:
Acrylic and mixed media on cradled board