I Feel the Sudden Rains Come Down

I Feel the Sudden Rains Come Down, Fine Art
I Feel the Sudden Rains Come Down

Fine Art    24 x 36 x 1.5    CA$800.00   

I Feel the Sudden Rains Come Down is part of the Arrangements series and explores the beauty of what is discarded through the recomposition of spent bouquets. This piece is more than just a depiction of flowers; it's an evocative celebration of life's ever-changing moments, a reminder of the quiet, often overlooked beauty in every phase of existence, a testament to the cycles of life and the profound beauty within them. I'm fascinated by the natural world and its transient beauty, as deep into a sleepless night, this image slowly emerges from the darkness.
Materials and Process:
Scanography Sublimation Print on Aluminum Floating Frame