Westshore Insomnia

Westshore Insomnia, Fine Art
Westshore Insomnia

Fine Art    25 x 24 x 17    CA$450.00   


Here is a limerick that accompanies the artwork:

There was a not-so young person from Langford,
Who found falling asleep was quite hard.
Lying there, he heard a dog barking,
Then a car sped by, headlights flashing—
Or, was it just another UFO from Metchosin?
Materials and Process:
The structure is based on a tensegrity concept. The spaceship floats through the clever use of tension and magnetism. Materials include: wood, metal, Plexiglass, epoxy, Styrofoam, felt, wire, acrylic and metal powder paints. The model car was added for visual interest and narrative purposes.