Sleepless: Art From the Midnight Hour

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Sleepless: Art From the Midnight Hour

 What keeps you up at night? What scares you? What excites you? What art expresses your inner landscape that is accessed in the intimacy of the nighttime? We can travel to a different world at night in our dreams and awaken our imagination.

The juror for this show is Elizabeth Carefoot  Check out her work at

The web gallery is where you can vote for your favourite piece in the show. At the end of the show's run, votes are tallied and a People's Choice Award is presented to the deserving winner!

This show also exists in real life in Metchosin, BC, Canada, at Metchosin ArtPod. We highly encourage you to come see it  in person during its run from Friday October 4th, 2024 to Sunday November 10th, 2024. People are always happy to have seen the show in person; it is quite a different experience from seeing it on-line.

**Note that ArtPod is open from 11am-4pm  from Fri-Sun.**

We welcome everyone to our  Opening Celebration on SATURDAY October 5th, 2024 from 2-4 pm.  Meet our juror, Elizabeth Carefoot, and hear how she chose the works featured in this show,  listen to accepted artists in attendance speak about their works and process, and celebrate the three Juror's Choice Winners!

To sign up for our monthly newsletter and to find more information about workshops and events associated with this show and upcoming shows, please consult our website:

Enjoy the show!

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Midnight Fantasy
Midnight Fantasy
Heather Corbitt

Dimensions: 23 x 24 x 0.5
Inspiration:: The Challenge "Sleepless: Art from the Midnight Hour" got me thinking about all the reasons we are up doing a "walk about" at 3:00 am. Although there are many serious and overwhelming thoughts that come to us when we should be sleeping, my cats are constantly there wanting attention. They can drive me crazy, make me laugh, calm me with their purrs and softness. They hog the blankets and want to play and sometimes even get a pillow tossed their way. I decided to take a light approach and keep my entry whimsical and positive. However, they really do keep me up in the midnight hour.
Materials and Process:: Hand-painted cotton for the background to capture the essence of nighttime and wakefulness. The bright “cat in the moon” provides the light and shadows. Silk dupioni is used in the balance of the piece. Both the cats and the moon are raw edge dupioni appliqué.
Accompanying music/song and artist: : Cats in the Cradle, Harry Chapin
Lost in Flight
Lost in Flight
Mary Wulff

Dimensions: 20 x 16 x 1.5
Inspiration:: Not belonging, barriers, painful things I’ve said, repetitive patterns, injustices, civil unrest and wars…mistakes, poor decisions, anger and sadness, shame, regret…its all in this portrait of Bruce Cockburn. So many of his songs speak to the issues that keep me awake at night as does the process of destruction I wrecked upon this piece searching for a lyrical quality with materials that are incompatible. Can we find beauty in our living nightmares?
Materials and Process:: fabric, ink, acryic, stitch and paper
Accompanying music/song and artist: : One Day I walk in Flowers by Bruce Cockburn
These Humans Haunt My Uneasy Sleep
These Humans Haunt My Uneasy Sleep
David Larson

Dimensions: 10 x 13
Inspiration:: A mural of a sleeping monster led me to playfully imagine that it may be humans that haunt and trouble peaceful creatures' dreams.
Materials and Process:: Alcohol ink marker on paper
Accompanying music/song and artist: : In Dark Trees by Brian Eno
Black Sheep
Black Sheep
Sophia Morrison

Dimensions: 9 x 9 x 5
Inspiration:: When trying to fall asleep by counting sheep, the sudden appearance of a black sheep sets one wondering if that is some kind of a bad omen. Different scenarios then come to mind as to what that omen might mean.
Materials and Process:: Mixed media sculpture using wire, metal foil, plaster cloth, patching plaster, self drying clay and acrylic paint.
Accompanying music/song and artist: : Beethoven's 5th Symphony
Real or imagined the adrenalin spikes!
Real or imagined the adrenalin spikes!
Mary Wulff

Dimensions: 20 x 16 x 1.5
Inspiration:: At night, when alone under the stars, far from any light pollution, I could feel the eyes of these elusive creatures on my back as I studied the night sky before making a dash for my tent. In the morning we found their tracks very close to where we were sleeping. Friend or foe, when we are sleeping anything that goes 'bump in the night' is startling regardless of whether it is something real or imagined.
Materials and Process:: Pastel on sanded paper.
Accompanying music/song and artist: : Raised by wolves by U2
Moving on
Moving on
Mary Wulff

Dimensions: 14 x 11 x 1.5
Inspiration:: There is a comfort in closeness but sometimes I feel as though I am losing myself. I lie awake trying to unravel the threads of my own thoughts and feelings, trying to find my own path that feels right.
Materials and Process:: stitch, paper, charcoal, watercolour
Accompanying music/song and artist: : The Raven's Sun by Catherine MacLellan
Rolling Thunder
Rolling Thunder
Kim Money

Dimensions: 12 x 12 x 2
Inspiration:: I've always loved any kind of storm but especially thunder and lightning. I have stayed awake at night to experience storms with excitement and wonder but.... now I worry about climate change and all the extreme weather and its keeping me up with a different emotion....Fear.
Materials and Process:: Acrylic and mixed media on cradled board
Accompanying music/song and artist: : Bad Moon Rising by Creedence Clearwater Revival
Our Fractured World
Our Fractured World
Barbara McCaffrey

Dimensions: 30 x 24 x 1
Inspiration:: Our nightly news is a constant stream of reports of fires and wars. The grim reality of the war on our planet and people seems to be front and centre. We need some good news stories amidst the rubble!
Materials and Process:: Earth pigments on linen, hand dyed cotton on wooden blocks, stones, stitching.
Accompanying music/song and artist: : The White Cliffs of Dover by Vera Lynn
Now We Are Six
Now We Are Six
Barbara McCaffrey

Dimensions: 28 x 16 x 6
Inspiration:: An August 15th 1945 Montreal Star newspaper saved by my father was the inspiration for this piece. That and a book by A A Milne, Now We Are Six. It was the end of six long years of war and I also was six.
Materials and Process:: A child's underdress made from a brown paper pattern, then images of photos from the newspaper to mimic the dress was fused onto it. Cotton, newspaper, hand stitching, mounted on structure.
Accompanying music/song and artist: : A book by A A Milne titled Now We Are Six. Poem titled "The End"
Disappearing Shorelines
Disappearing Shorelines
Margo Farr

Dimensions: 6 x 9 x 9
Inspiration:: In my darkest waking hours, I feel deep grief for the future of our planet and our oceans. During the heat dome so many of our sea creatures perished. This piece pays homage to our shorelines and all the ocean dwellers.
Materials and Process:: Artist's photo, plaster gauze, acrylic paint, barnacles, altered book ('A Lamp in the Darkness' by Jack Kornfield.) By shaping and painting wet plaster gauze, I created these sea creatures in response to my shoreline photograph.
Accompanying music/song and artist: : Fragile by Sting
Housing: Out of Reach
Housing: Out of Reach
Margo Farr

Dimensions: 17 x 6 x 4
Inspiration:: In my darkest sleepless hours, I perseverate on the housing crisis and home insecurity for so many folks. How will we ever solve this untenable situation?
Materials and Process:: Rust printed cotton fabric is wrapped around iris seed pods, and mounted on Vancouver Island yellow cedar. The artist's impressions about the unhoused are typed on onionskin paper to form the roofing.
Accompanying music/song and artist: : Homeless by Paul Simon
Wishin' and hoping
Wishin' and hoping
Diana Smith

Dimensions: 8 x 10 x 1.5
Inspiration:: Like the lyrics of the song Wishin' and Hoping say: 'Wishin' and hopin' and thinkin' and prayin' Plannin' and dreamin' each night ' ...won't get you into their arms
Materials and Process:: ceramic and acrylic on canvas
Accompanying music/song and artist: : Wishin' and hoping by Dusty Springfield
Khione Gardner

Dimensions: 36 x 24
Inspiration:: Inspired by a poem that my sister wrote in the 1990's during her undergrad studies in Montreal. Clouds I sent out the greyhounds of my heart. The ones I named, When they were curled grey about the moon, Jaws open, already racing. Sometimes I feel them raining over Peru Or shuffling their frantic tongues between the ribs of the ocean And I send them my whistle, that only they can hear. I lean out over the raining street at night My window-straining arms, My wet forehead and lips, I whisper to them: “Search for me. Smell every corner of the world with your nebulous tongues And find for me the place where I can lay my head Like a peaceful stone, And touch my lips to water, And be still,” By Janie MacLeod
Materials and Process:: Acrylic on canvas
Accompanying music/song and artist: : sorry none
Girl on 13 Mattresses
Girl on 13 Mattresses
Khione Gardner

Dimensions: 25 x 17
Inspiration:: Inspired by the fairy tale, The Princess and the Pea, by Hans Christian Anderson. The heroine featured here is not kept awake all night by an unreasonable test of her character, but by inspiration. Ideas, sprout, climb, root, grow.....what will she create in the morning? This Princess of Possibilities.
Materials and Process:: Mixed media - fabric, paper, wire, graphite and earth
Accompanying music/song and artist: : sorry none
Westshore Insomnia
Westshore Insomnia
Steffen Preusser

Dimensions: 25 x 24 x 17
Inspiration:: Here is a limerick that accompanies the artwork: There was a not-so young person from Langford, Who found falling asleep was quite hard. Lying there, he heard a dog barking, Then a car sped by, headlights flashing— Or, was it just another UFO from Metchosin?
Materials and Process:: The structure is based on a tensegrity concept. The spaceship floats through the clever use of tension and magnetism. Materials include: wood, metal, Plexiglass, epoxy, Styrofoam, felt, wire, acrylic and metal powder paints. The model car was added for visual interest and narrative purposes.
Accompanying music/song and artist: : "No Doubt About It" Hot Chocolate
Insomnia Knitting
Insomnia Knitting
Anita Doornekamp

Dimensions: 16 x 12 x 1.5
Inspiration:: Head is spinning. Can't stop thinking. Can't get comfortable. Thoughts spiral. Legs are restless. Brain is in a frenzy. Why can't I...? What was that? What if... ? Oh, enough of this! I'll just get up and knit. The comfort is instant: my chair, knitting needles in my hands, the yarn moving through my fingers, the rhythm of the stitches, the creation of a garment. I am soothed, sometimes to the point that the needles drop to my belly as I nod off, and I awake to this sight before I cart myself back to bed.
Materials and Process:: Encaustic, mixed media: linen yarn, plastic needles
Accompanying music/song and artist: : "I Am Not Okay" by Jelly Roll
The Gloomstalker
The Gloomstalker
Jake James

Dimensions: 60 x 36 x 36
Inspiration:: A collaborative piece with indigenous carver Moy Sutherland Jr. Gloomstalker is a representation of the blue heron, a powerful figure to west coast peoples: Guardian of the fog that shrouds the shore. In this sculpture he is seen transforming between his human and animal spirits, lurking in the gloom, ready to pounce on the unwary or to lure the unsuspecting into the mist. The myth of the heron is one bred of fear- of being lost in the fog, alone on a wild shoreline, with nothing but sea and forest all around you.
Materials and Process:: Forged steel & carved yellow cedar.
Accompanying music/song and artist: : Tubular bells by Mike oldfield
Bonnie Coulter

Dimensions: 30 x 24 x 1
Inspiration:: She comes to me in my sleep to warn me. I call her Ancatha (thorns) She knows when I am vulnerable. Anxious. I have had recurring nightmares about bears since I was 4 yrs old. They are never pleasant or benign. These dreams keep me awake and alert me to my subconscious rising anxiety. I have come to understand they signal a need for self-care and reflection. Keeping a watchful eye out for all of life’s road signs. I have had more than a few close encounters with black bears. Just recently I met a big, beautiful black bear in my garden. It was so afraid of me it false charged three times. I was frozen in fear. When I finally had the courage to look up again it was gone. That encounter kicked off a new round of deep paranoia that has kept me from weeding outside the fenced perimeter of
Materials and Process:: Acrylic paint, chalk, charcoal, watercolor pencil on hardboard
Accompanying music/song and artist: : You're Gonna Be Ok by Brian and Jenn Johnson
The Future
The Future
Catherine Wallace

Dimensions: 24 x 32 x 10
Inspiration:: What keeps me up at night? Thinking about The Future.
Materials and Process:: Wall sculpture. Acrylic paint on vinyl, paper-mache, plexiglass, time piece.
Accompanying music/song and artist: : Changes by David Bowie
Beverly Jean

Dimensions: 30 x 45 x 1.5
Inspiration:: I'm inspired by the desire to depict the feeling of joy and wonderment, the emotion that connects us to be curious and see others in their true beauty.
Materials and Process:: Acrylic on stretched canvas
Accompanying music/song and artist: : People by Barbara Streisand

Page 2 of 3, showing 20 records out of 49 total, starting on record 21, ending on 40